
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Charles Darwin: Evolution of a Naturalist - Richard Milner

Charles Darwin ! Oh yes , he is the father of evolution and his name is invariably associated with terms like natural selection , survival of the fittest , Australopithecus , Orangutan and Homo Sapiens. And of course this picture too is a synonym for Darwin. Sorry about the final stage. 

Evolution of a Naturalist discloses the personal and professional life of Darwin the human being. No, this biography won't bore you down with the details of evolution theories you have learned in secondary school. It is much more informative , funny and interesting than the Wikipedian Darwin. It also sheds light on his famous contemporary naturalists and scientists like Alfred Russel Wallace , Charles Lyell , Thomas Henry Huxley and many more.

If Homo Sapiens are not the pinnacle of creation/evolution , what's the next phase??

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