
Thursday, September 18, 2014

Life is What You Make it - Preeti Shenoy

Preeti Shenoy. I recently find out her blog. Also this book. The title of the book is misleading, sounds like an inspirational self help book.

The novel starts off like an M&B romance esp the episodes in Kerala. St. Agnes n Mahavir? It must be St. Teresa's and Maharajas I guess. Anyhow. I can relate to that part of the story. Later the novel becomes the life of a bipolar female. It reminds one of the movie Silverline playbook. But here somehow the efforts do not reap the same results. The characters n events look shallow n unreal. This story can be a big help for bipolar victims.

1 comment:

Amit Sharma said...

Before reading this book, I thought it must be a Personality Development book like "Monk who sold his Ferrari". But when I completed, I realized I was wrong.

This book raises awareness on Bipolar disorder, similar to movies like Taare Zameen Par & Paa.

Overall, I enjoyed reading it. It is fast paced and language is simple. I would definitely recommend it to others.