
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Life Tree - APJ Abdul Kalam

A collection of 26 poems,with a foreword by the then Prime Minister of India- Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee, endorses APJ's musings over life, nature, nation, peace, mother, god, creation etc. These poems reflects his simple and humble origin, achievements and aspirations. You can't help but smile and wonder at the child-like innocence of the 'People's  President'.

Some poems are in the form of story in verses. APJ's version of genesis is totally interesting. God spends millions and millions of years to design and create man. But He creates Satan instantly from fire and asks him to serve the man but Satan refuses. God's first ever impasse ! So He merges both the creations and commands man to defeat Satanic temptations and come out pure and join Him. Of course He equalizes man with brain and other stuff and blesses him indeed ! This explains a lot. But, what about Eve/ woman? Where is she? What's her place in creation? 

'O Almighty, Light the Lamp of Knowledge', written after his visit to Central Institute of Mental Retardation,Trivandrum is very touching,though, it's hard to accept mentally handicapped children as gifts from heaven. Oh , they may be pure without Satanic part and so, no need of defense mechanisms. Some relief...

'Ancestor's Desire' updates his solo status.He is not barren ! Agni, the ballistic missile is his son !! No wonder he speaks at length and writes volumes about Agni. That explains the worries and anxieties regarding his scientific achievements. 'Tumult' bares his mutinous thoughts. The rocket man only 'wanted just a place in the hallowed portals for his homeland' but at times he fears  it's destructive power too. As usual nature brings him back to the brighter side.

'My National Prayer' is included in both his poetry books. We already have enough national stuff to recite and remember. You have left thousands of footprints in our soil to be remembered and cherished.And is still walking..... With due respect Sir , spare us from a national prayer. Grrr....

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