
Wednesday, November 30, 2022

It's all about discipline

 Oh. I missed 11 days! So, November Challenge comes to an end, and I wrote 19 posts, and that's it. No comments.

In other news, I got Google Hangout scammed! What was I thinking? How /which company in their right mind would chat interview when they can just schedule a call or Google Meet? However, why didn't the scammer pursue me? Is it because I'm from a third-world country? Not fair.

Changing the subject. I miss old-fashioned competitions where the judges evaluate and decide on the winners. That was so easy. Now, for each and every contest, you need to vote. Ha! It's just a trick to increase SEO. If our votes count, what the hell are you doing, judges? And why make it complicated? Why should we log in to your website and comment? A website riddled with advertisements and cookies at that. What is the point?

Bye November. And thanks for the Challenge. I shall continue the rants.😁

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