
Monday, June 12, 2023

The blow

It went well for half a year

Then the careless mistake

All the efforts wasted

Brought back to the knees

Humbled to the core

Now, baby steps again

Saturday, December 03, 2022

down to earth

Once upon a time in space

A meteor with a burning passion

That could light up a thousand galaxies

Fell for the green planet

      The End

Am I in your good books?

I thought so;


Friday, December 02, 2022

I know, 

It's somewhere in the corner,

Better times.

Thursday, December 01, 2022

 Tell me, how did you become the person you are today?

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

It's all about discipline

 Oh. I missed 11 days! So, November Challenge comes to an end, and I wrote 19 posts, and that's it. No comments.

In other news, I got Google Hangout scammed! What was I thinking? How /which company in their right mind would chat interview when they can just schedule a call or Google Meet? However, why didn't the scammer pursue me? Is it because I'm from a third-world country? Not fair.

Changing the subject. I miss old-fashioned competitions where the judges evaluate and decide on the winners. That was so easy. Now, for each and every contest, you need to vote. Ha! It's just a trick to increase SEO. If our votes count, what the hell are you doing, judges? And why make it complicated? Why should we log in to your website and comment? A website riddled with advertisements and cookies at that. What is the point?

Bye November. And thanks for the Challenge. I shall continue the rants.😁

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


So, I didn't blog last four days, thus losing November Challenge set by myself. In that case, will the blogs I post this month be labeled as NovChallege or not?

Christmas movies are being flooded on Netflix, and I watched 'Falling for Christmas.' I've seen most of the films of Linsay Lohan, and watching her perform after a lengthy career break is ....meh. It's an okay movie with fewer people, mild people, blinding Christmas decorations, a predictable end, and less drama. The only thing I found irritating is the meddling magic of Santa Claus.

In other news, why is it terribly painful to dress up and go out to buy some fruit?

In some parts of the world, recruiters use Google Chat to interview candidates! A chat interview. Why not set up Google Meet or a Zoom call?