I'm a fat fan of Paulo Coelho's novels, not of his memoirs/ journeys esp that of 'his magical traditions'. This book depicts the cause n effects of the author's long tedious journey undertaken to escape from his spiritual ennui. He meets the girl he had loved n betrayed 500 years ago and they enter The Aleph n get a clear vision of their past. The girl condones all his sins - of past n present - and he returns home a brand new man. The first half of the narration is simply exhausting and the rest is quite racy n thrilling.
This autobiographical account can be valuable n beneficial for those who believe in signs, reincarnations n Aleph.
Aleph is the universe; we are the universe; therefore we are The Aleph. Why search somewhere else?
Mrs Buck is one of my favorite writers because of her book - The Good Earth. But Mandala is a total faux pas. It's like a beautiful but odorless flower. The book paints the tradition and culture of post-colonial India beautifully but not of its people.
One of the main female characters tries to follow her grandmother's advice throughout the novel:- ''Follow your sympathies, not antipathies''. I don't understand.
Let me quote the brave Prince:- ''Life is too precious to spend with lovelessness.''
I wanted very much to like this book and there by the author too but failed miserably. The autobiography presents lots of surprises - Gandhiji's meekness, weaknesses, habits, voracious reading, personal contacts, philanthropy, dietary obsessions, weird notions on celibacy, dogged interior, conflicts n contradictions and so is a far cry from the Mahatma portrayed in the state curriculum, movies, articles n biographies.
Experiments with truth?! No, he devoted almost all of his life in perusal of The Truth and struggled hard to follow the ones he believed in. Poor Bapuji, he punished his body n spirit mercilessly for the same. The truth is that his truths are too bitter to swallow.
So, what is The Truth?