
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Old Man & His God - Sudha Murthy

Told simple and directly from the heart, this book is a collection of real-life experiences of Mrs Murthy as a social worker,teacher and writer. They analyse human nature and reflect the souls of the people of India. Most of the tales are quite touching and heart-wrenching.

The book is dedicated to Infosys Foundation. So, she is the chairperson of Infosys Foundation, not of Infosys Limited !! Does it matter much ? Sudha Murthy can be rightly baptized as the 'Mother Teresa of Karnataka', I presume.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Magic Drum And Other Favourite Stories - Sudha Murthy

Sudha Murthy, the chairperson of Infosys ?? Well, it seems like she has loads of feathers to adorn her tiara, one among them being the R.K.Narayanan Award for Literature. This book is a collection of 34 delightful, timeless folktales. Except 3,all the rest are new to me. The language is simple and clear. The names of characters and places are typically South Indian,which may not be easy for foreigners.

Parents, if your story-jar is empty, take some from this collection and use them during bedtime. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Daily Inspiration - Robin Sharma

Thoughts for 365 days. Patience is not much in my book, so I read all the thoughts in 2 days. 2 of them are worth thinking.
January 1       : Be a great human being.
December 31  : Have great fun all along the way.

Friday, September 09, 2011

letting people go

I hate this, that and those people.  I have never really liked them. But I tried.  Tried really hard to like them, to please them.  Because I thought they were very important in many ways.  I wasted a lot of energy.  Enough.  Now I know.  They don't matter.  They are not 'the people'.  Finally I can smile at them just like that.  And ignore all of them.  It's ok to hate a few people. Phew !

Thursday, September 08, 2011

as stupid as M.K.Gandhi

My baby daughter - a true gandhian at the age of 4 !!  She wrote her first test and showed her true colors. It was dictation test . She wrote the 1st one and simply refused to write the rest. Exasperated, the teacher asked her to copy from her partner (bench mate).  But she won't budge.  Gandhiji too had the same experience at school.  Stupidly truthful !!

Inshallah , let her remain stupid enough not to copy anything .....

Thursday, September 01, 2011

The Saint The Surfer and The CEO - Robin Sharma

This self help book claims to help you in your deathbed to answer the 3 final questions :-

  1. Did I live wisely?
  2. Did I love well?
  3. Did I serve greatly?
Answer now itself  and if you are not ready for the d-bed, follow Robin Sharma.